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when it comes to home ownership, we face pressure from family and friends. Remember, you don’t need to rush into home ownership. We take you through the entire process, providing the information you need, guidance, and referrals that will make this journey less scary.
We will help you;
-    Determine your personal housing goals
-    Review educational homeownership materials to ensure you are a successful home owner


starting a business comes with a number of challenges but these are opportunities as well. We want to challenge your thinking and help you so you can see more options and avoid limitations.
We will work with you to;
-    Identify the strength and weaknesses in yourself and your business 
-    Create an appropriate business plan
-    Make long-term and short-term goals
-    Create an action plan that will create small steps to move forward
-    Design your website and help design marketing materials


when investing in real estate, the goal is to put money to work today and allow it to increase so that you have more money in the future. But it is vitally important that you invest in the right kind of property. Our goal is to help you overcome the fears of making the first step by providing as much information as possible to help you make the best decisions for your needs.
We will;
-    Explain to you how to get started
-    Help you understand how to find, acquire and manage your investments


Money is said to be one of the biggest causes of stress. It can cause serious clashes among couples. We would like to help couples go from financial overwhelm to building teamwork that will work towards financial success and freedom. This coaching session is designed to create an understanding between couples around money and to teach couples how to communicate in a healthy and constructive way.
You both need to be ready and prepared to give your best.
-    Learn how to budget efficiently
-    Guidance and couple money exercises
-    Create financial goals


College Campus

Saving or paying for college is one piece of a much larger puzzle. By working with Coach Gael to create a comprehensive plan for college and incorporating it into a rock-solid financial plan, tremendous results are possible.  .


It may seem far but one day you will retire. In order to retire wealthy, comfortable, and secure, you need to plan how you will get there. That is why we want to help you.
-    Start planning for retirement
-    Teach you about the stock market to take advantage of compound interest (we have a course for this)
-    Help you find and open an investing account

Buy a home
small business coaching
real estate investing
finance coaching for couples
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